Thursday, July 25, 2013

July SouLodge: Working with Wolf

Joined SouLodge this month... Great program created by Pixie Campbell. Missed out on starting at the begining of the year but jumped at the 1/2 way point joining option. I look forward to 'looking back' over the 1st 6 months at my leisure and 'moving forward' with the Animal Medicine in the months ahead!

July we are working with: WOLF

Been working through the journal questions while listening to the wolf call video.... Interesting story about Ayva, our deaf and mostly blind dog (merle-to-merle breeding) ... Every time I put the howls on she comes running over and whimpers and wants to snuggle. She is definitely 100% deaf, sometimes it has played on my laptop and sometimes on my phone, so floor vibration doesn't cover why she can 'hear' the calls. Not that I ever mind the extra snuggles. ;)

The other thing I have reeeally enjoyed this month was the guided mediation. Listened through on my own and made a rough sketch with pencil, then outlined it in pen. The 2nd time I was heading out to do it in our yard, my 3 youngest boys asked to join me. It was late and quite dark in the yard... all 4 of us sat around my iPhone and listened to the mediation. It was indescribable: Being surrounded by my 'pups', in pack, doing this together. We came back in and they all trotted off to bed quietly (this does *not* happen usually, lol) and I started adding color to my drawing with watercolor pencils. Then took a break, when my husband got home from work (he works early evening/nights) at 3 am I was drawn back and started adding the water. We sat, working alongside each other, the other part of my 'pack' until it was done.

Tried to scan my picture this morning, it cut off a bit around all the edges though... I felt warmth and the presence of an internal fire during both listens. The 2nd time it was stronger.

Earlier in the month I had found a line drawing of a wolf online while looking up pictures, my youngest had asked me to print out copies for them... In the morning the 3 boys took the outline drawings of wolves and colored in what they saw. *happy mum* One of them let me snap a picture, the other 2 are 'shy' about sharing. That is Robert's wolf, he said it was 'rippling shades of grey/black and the feet left fire-y footprints'.


Robert's Wolf...

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