Thursday, March 19, 2015

Super Soul Flow ~ Meditation Canvas - SELF LOVE ~

"Paint a heart. Paint more than one. 
Paint them in a new way. 
Create your own heART symbol."

Completed the February Painting for SUPER SOUL FLOW on Friday the 13th... Posting late, as is my theme, lol. Creating my meditation canvas piece this month was also late because SELF-LOVE in the form of Self-Care was THE theme of the month, I was sick for almost 3 weeks and 2 of those were spent in bed, taking care of ME. 
Was MOREthan ready to start painting once I got back to my desk again... 
I put the music on, incense, candle and off I went for almost 2 hours! 
Found that I was doing a lot of finger painting, flowing... spirals and deep arcs, arrows and a triskelion. The word GROW came to me several times and in the end there was a heART flower on the canvas... 
Self-Love I know deep down is something I struggle with. 
-I am growing in Self-Love-

*Your “Meditation Canvas” or any other canvas 
*Acrylic paints (white, black, red, yellow, blue, magenta, cerulean blue are my basic colors) 
*Water container 
*Palette: paper plate, meat tray, artist palette… 
*Paper towels, rags, etc. 
*Your *Painting Practice Playlist(s) 
*A candle to bring “ARTual” to your Super Soul Flow Painting Practice 
*Your writing journal 

Breathe in the words, “I AM in my love.” 

Read this affirmation out loud before you begin your painting practice, from The Book Love and Creation by Paul Selig:

“I AM in my love. Yes, I am worthy of love, and I understand now that the belief that I am not allowed love by myself is an act of fear, and is the ego seeking to maintain jurisdiction of my light to prevent me from full realization of my Divine Self and all the wonder that it would bring to me. I am free of this fear as I say it. I AM free. I AM free. I AM free. I AM in my love.”

Music Selected:
Sacred Spirit Drums -David & Steve Gordon

In Progress Pictures: 


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