Monday, June 16, 2014

Hello Blogger my old friend...

I'm here to write in you again...
So I guess the 1st thing is WELCOME 2014!
Yes, indeed, it has been -that- long since the blog has been updated.
No apologies though, LIFE LIFE and LIFE has been happening,
 ...and THAT, is always a good thing. 

First things First, 
Keepsake's Crafts is no longer in operation, so the Facebook page is now down...
Pop on over the the SHINY *NEW* Days End Studio Page to keep really-really up-to-date on what's happening here at Days End!

Now onto a wee summtin' about what's been happening...

Made donation art for Poet's Vision Aussie Rescue:

'Coffee First'

'Puppy Kisses'

We've also suffered our losses... and celebrated our gains...
In February we welcome Poncho the cat to Days End Studio...
In April we lost Hope, our bunny... 
Closely followed by the loss of Greg's 95 year old Grandmother 'Cupper'...
We also welcomed baby Saffron to the fold...
 Poncho and Hope

 6 week old Saffron

More recently, I was quite honored to have the chance to do my 'thing' for a fundraiser for the Ottawa Humane Society, helped prettify the DS Plumbing Dog House for a local auction event. 

I won't load the post down with a million photos but you can see the whole thing here:

The Ottawa Citizen covered the event and reported the next day:

 LOTS LOTS more has been going on...
LOTS LOTS more coming up...

But you know...

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