Thursday, April 12, 2012

Soulistry: Gifts

This is the 1st spread I've finished for 'GIFTS' in my Soulistry journal. 

Have another spread (with my journal-ed answers) in the works about 'What a GIFT'is?',  though the thoughts are crystal clear in my mind's eye it's not transferring to the page quickly in visual form. Percolating... slowly but surely.
When the word 'Gift' comes up it's a bit of a thunk-er for me... After spending 4 years in enrichment for 'being gifted' (ie higher than average IQ, my brain is programmed to work a bit 'different' and my creative reasoning skills/ability to think outside the box are off the charts) the term 'Gift' has some varied meanings to me. But... that's all in the other spread. :O)

This spread started with the song 'Simple Gifts' which I was 1st introduced to through the book 'The Gift of Sarah Barker' by Jane Yolen. Wonderful book! It's set in a Shaker community and so the Shaker Hymn is mentioned and quoted. The song popped into my head right away, been humming it for days now and I can hear it in my dreams... I looked it up and was pleasantly surprised to learn of the extra non-Shaker verses, some of which spoke to me quite deeply. Printed off the whole set, attached them on the left and did some 'point & remark' journaling alongside the lines that really *popped* for me. Happy Highlighter! lol 

At the bottom I have included 2 videos for 'Simple Gifts' a lovely slow rendition performed by Jewel and a much faster Instrumental version. One of the reasons this song resonated with me is the fact that it can be sung slow and reverently... or sped up to a whirling dervish level. 
Just so as our Gifts can be used softly... or with vibrant zeal. Both ways 'WORK'. 
On the right I started with the music for 'Simple Gifts', then art-ed and journal-ed over top. After talking it out with my husband about gifts verses talents (again, sorry, more in the other spread) he pointed out that one of my Gifts was Acceptance. This gift manifests in several forms. I have a varied and assorted group of people I call 'friends' from all walks of life, ages, sex, social, religions (or non) and economical backgrounds. I listen to everyone, I learn from everyone and I don't cut people out. They have entered my life for a reason and I should learn while I'm blessed enough to have them there. Hubby also mentioned my acceptance of the 'broken': humans or animals. Over the years that has meant in the animal area at least, having a blind hamster, a couple of 3 legged mice, dogs that no one else would ever put up with for their silly and/or totally destructive behavior and at present having a blind and deaf dog in our care. The love from these creatures has been more than enough of a 'reward' for any trouble they may have caused. I also live-trap mice that sneak into our house and release them back in the wild. (Hubby really shakes his head over this one.). I accept much of what life throws my way... learn from it and make light of it. This to shall Pass.
My art is about going with the tune of the Life Dance... with Love and Acceptance and Joy.

Acceptance for me is: 
Learning from and living with what life gives you, not struggling constantly against it. 
Belief in Simple Joys and Loving Everyone as best *I* can.

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2



Faster Version (instrumental):

Slower Version (with words):