Thursday, April 26, 2012

Soulistry: The Well Within

 Finished Art-ing the next section in Soulistry for the Book of Days -Premium Program. 
Only a partial share this time... 
The actual written bit was quite personal so I'm not posting it on the Blog. 

Will share the round-up Quote added to that section:
Knowing what is right is like
deep water in the heart;
a wise person draws from the well within.
~Proverbs 20:5~ 
Which led to the Quote I used on the opposite Art-ed side:
To fulfill the well within, we must 
commit our bucket to the well of another. 
Only then will you pull a full pail of 
living water from the well spring of life’s 
love. Only then will you have sufficient 
living water flowing into the cups of friends, 
coworkers, and neighbors. Commit your heart to 
loving another with the freedom to share from the 
well of love. ~Lee Down~
Picture was taken several years back near to when I reached a major cross-roads in my life, 
One that had me re-evaluating and learning to reach out again after being isolated within for too many years.
A single drop of water is not a well
In the deep I learned I needed to TRUST... Reach out... and share... TO BE.
I need more drops to fill my well... and I need to help fill others wells... TO BE.


Peaceful/Paisible said...

beautiful picture! did I tell you how much I love your blog !

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

This is such a gorgeous page … and my sense is that it is a pure reflection of You.

Keep fillin' that well!